
Speak up!

If you notice that rules are currently being broken or planned to be broken in Eesti Energia Group, or there are other deficiencies in our activities, please speak up!

We assume that information referencing unlawful, unethical and/or fraudulent behaviour will always be forwarded in good faith and not maliciously. Therefore, protection against possible retaliation (e.g. transfer to a lower job position or prevention of promotion) is ensured to all forwarders of the information previously described.

The Group treats the entire forwarded information as confidential, including your personal data and other sensitive data. If you feel that you don't wish to forward the information under your own name, then there is a possibility of forwarding information anonymously. You can forward the information using one or several of the following described ways:

  • informing the Risk Management and Compliance Department orally, by telephone (466 6000) or by e-mail ([email protected]);
  • informing by telephone (640 7199) or by e-mail ([email protected]) the law firm serving the Group;
  • using the form below.
  • Information related to Enefit Green can be reported:

  • By notifying the Enefit Green internal audit department verbally, by phone at +372 465 5605, or by email at [email protected];
  • By notifying the law firm servicing the company by phone at +372 640 7101 or by email at [email protected], in case the individual does not wish or is unable to report the information internally.
  • Report security incidents to the EE security center by phone at +372 4 666 112 or by email at [email protected].

    One or several of the following questions should be answered, when forwarding the information, to ensure that the Group has the required information for identifying and resolving the situation:

    Please describe what happened in as much detail as possible. Required field
    Please describe when, where and in which unit the event took place. Required field
    Please specify the parties who are either directly (e.g. the perpetrator) or indirectly (e.g. witnesses) involved with the event.
    Please describe how you found out about the event (e.g. saw or heard it yourself, heard it from a colleague).

    It is not possible to share files anonymously here, but confidentiality of the notification is continually guaranteed. Alternatively, you can send the evidence separately via [email protected]

    Upload file

    We encourage you to submit information under your own name, as generally the Group does not have the possibility to obtain further information in the case of anonymous reports and we also cannot give you feedback.

    Please add your contact information (name and phone number and/or e-mail address) so we could contact you if necessary. We promise to handle the information forwarded by you confidentially, i.e. it will only be shared with people carrying out the investigation (employees of the Fraud Risk Management Department and the Head of Risk Management and Internal Audit Service).

    Please enter your e-mail in the correct form
    Please enter your phone number in the correct form